Natural Hair Restoration Results
NeoGraft Hair Restoration Results Are Natural & Permanent
QUESTION: How much does NeoGraft Hair Transplant cost and are the Hair Restoration Results of NeoGraft worth it?
Buckhead Hair Restoration ANSWER: A good hair transplant is not inexpensive, but very worthwhile. The difference is that unlike a car, clothes or a new expensive guitar, Neograft Hair Restoration Results are there continuously making you feel good about yourself and NeoGraft also does not depreciate.
If you think about it, responding to discount hair restoration advertising might not be the way to go. The average hair transplant consisting of 1500-2500 grafts can range between $7,500 to $12,500 depending on your doctor, the method and your location.
Just think how much Veneers cost, and nobody questions when you get porcelain teeth. Hair is as important as teeth to some folks, and though it seems socially acceptable to start balding in your 30’s, it does not change the way it makes you feel when it happens.
For women with male pattern baldness, traction alopecia or other forms of hair loss the outcome can be devastating. When a woman loses her hair, friends and family will question her health and assume she has som sort of medical issue that needs to be taken care of immediately. Though hormones can play a role in female hair loss (especially during menopause), hair loss in women is not always hormone related.
By our dear patient:
This picture was taken immediately after my NeoGraft Hair Restoration. You can see that the hairline is established and that the rest of the grafts are dedicated to the hair loss at the crown. Click here to watch my journey!
Imagine every time you look in the mirror all you can see is your receding hair line, or worse you make the extra effort to get another hand mirror to look for the bald spot at your crown, only to be more depressed because the bald spot is growing larger by the minute. NeoGraft Hair Transplant was an easy decision. This form of Hair Restoration method is not as invasive as the traditional method.
The team did not strip a large chunk of skin out of the back of my head, the recovery was relatively fast and the results pretty amazing. If you followed my journey, you could see that I had no hair line left before NeoGraft. Now I do. Though I probably need one more Hair Transplant to thicken the hair and add volume. The difference NeoGraft made in my confidence, and most of all the actual overall Hair Restoration Results are amazing. The good news is that I know now that I can get another Transplant for even better Hair Restoration Results without the linear scar or trauma to my scalp and I can do it at my pace with a budget in mind. I paid off my Hair Transplant like I would a car that depreciates and now it’s time to invest once more to boost my results.
Why does it often require multiple hair transplants for best NeoGraft Hair Restoration Results?
Well, much like a facelift or new teeth, the aging process and balding process continues to happen which means that you can lose more hair in other areas of the scalp, just as you would still lose volume in the face after receiving a facelift. When receiving NeoGraft, the maximum grafts ever taken from the donor area at once is around 2500 grafts at a time. To prevent trauma to the donor site and for best results, NeoGraft Providers insist that one year between hair transplants is the minimum wait time required.
I am now two years post-NeoGraft Hair Restoration and love my Hair Restoration Results. My confidence is through the roof, and I feel 100% better. What a difference this procedure made in my life. Thanks to Doctor Slater and team in Buckhead Atlanta.
How does hair grow and what exactly happens during Hair Loss?
Hair grows about an inch every couple of months. Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, remains at that length for a short period, then falls out. A new hair soon begins growing in its place. At any one time, about 85% of the hair on your head is in a growing phase and 15% is not.
Each hair sits in a cavity in the skin called a follicle. Baldness in men occurs when the follicle shrinks over time, resulting in shorter and finer hair. The result is a minuscule follicle with no hair inside. Ordinarily, hair should grow back. However, in men who are balding, the follicle fails to grow a new hair. Why this occurs is not well understood, but it is related to your genes and male sex hormones. Even though the follicles are small, they remain alive, suggesting the possibility of new growth.
Classic male pattern baldness is usually diagnosed based on the appearance and pattern of the hair loss. Other medical disorders may cause any atypical hair loss. A skin biopsy or other procedures may be needed to diagnose other disorders that cause loss of hair. By age 35, two-thirds of American men will have some degree of significant hair loss, and by age 50 approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. About 25% of men who suffer from male pattern baldness begin the painful process before they reach 21.
Published by Buckhead Hair Restoration
Dr. Monte Slater specializes in Hair Loss issues and encourages everyone that suffers from hair loss to take the time to seek a qualified physician to find out the cause for their hair loss.
Ladies, don’t assume it’s your hormones. Gentlemen, don’t assume that your hair loss is genetic. Don’t diagnose yourself and buy ungodly amounts of hair loss product online or in drugstores Do you find yourself scanning the shelves at Walgreens everytime you are in the store? Stop the torture and book your visit with a qualified physician that can identify the causes of hair loss and present solutions.
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