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Your Questions Answered about Female Hair Loss treatments

Dr. Monte Slater dedicates his practice; Buckhead Hair Restoration, to providing the latest female hair loss treatments available. Contact Dr. Slater today to discuss your hair loss treatment options. Click or call 770-876-4664

At Buckhead Hair Restoration we strive to bring you the latest in female hair loss treatments. We know any medical condition brings reason for many questions. That’s why we’ve gathered a list of some of the top concerns for female hair loss and asked our female Certified NeoGraft Providers. If you should have a question that is not on the list below, please ask Dr. Slater today and we will have a Certified NeoGraft Provider reach out directly to you to answer your question.

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

“Androgenic (aka Male or female pattern) alopecia is related to sensitivity of the hair follicles to DHT, a breakdown product of testosterone). This type of hair loss is related to heredity, but can also be linked with ovarian cysts, certain birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause.

Telogen Effluvium (or Traumatic hair loss) can occur after surgery, childbirth, severe infection, or even with severe stress. When this happens, the hairs that are in the active growth phase (usually about 90% of the hairs on the head) all go into the shedding phase at once, usually about 6-12 weeks after the stressful event. Most of the time, this will return to normal once the stressful episode is over, but occasionally it can persist for months or years.

Anagen Effluvium (or growth phase hair loss) is commonly seen after chemotherapy and is related to impairment of cell division in the hair follicle. Eventually the shaft of the hair narrows so much that the hair breaks before it reaches a visible length.

Traction alopecia is trauma to hair follicles from trauma over time related to braiding, tight ponytails, and extensions. Trauma from burns or other wounds can also result in patchy hair loss on the scalp.

Allopecia Areata is a condition which causes patchy hair loss on the scalp and eyebrows.

There are also other causes that are related to hormonal or nutritional imbalances, like hypothyroidism, medication side effects, and autoimmune disease, which may be correctable when the underlying cause is treated. ”Dr. Slater can help with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, PRP treatments and NeoGraft Hair Restoration, as well as Laser Cap.