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 In Female Hair Loss, Hair Transplant Options, Men's Hair Loss, Multiple Hair Loss Solutions, PRP and Hair Loss

PRP works for hair loss because PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments have 8 identifiable growth factors. PRP is a concentration derived from your own blood. It has lots of good growth factors that stimulate hair growth when injected into the scalp. Dr. Monte Slater has developed multiple PRP treatments to help with regrowth of hair.

PRP works for hair loss in men and women

Dr. Monte Slater has developed multiple PRP treatments to help with regrowth of hair. PRP works for hair loss, contact Dr. Slater today 770-876-4664

PRP Works For Hair Loss!

PRP works for hair loss by stimulating newly implanted or inactive hair follicles into an active growth phase. Your blood contains small cells called platelets that help stop bleeding. Platelets also contain specific growth factors that when “activated” promote tissue regeneration and healing. These same growth factors may help hair grow or slow hair loss. Blood is drawn and then spun in a centrifuge, which has the effect of separating the platelet rich plasma from the rest of the blood. Local anesthesia is administered to the scalp so the patient feels no pain.

The platelet rich plasma is then injected into the scalp. No sedation or medication is required. Early data suggests a regime of every nine to eighteen months is needed to achieve optimal stimulating results. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Monte Slater today to learn more about how this therapy might benefit you.

Sports medicine has used PRP for years to treat injuries to the Achilles tendon, joints and muscles by stimulating stem cells. In the case of hair loss, the injected platelets prompt inactive or newly implanted hair follicles to enter an active growth phase, causing the hair to start growing again.

What results can I expect from platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss?

Individual results vary. Extensive clinical studies are pending but the current medical literature contains numerous optimistic results. PRP should not be considered a “cure” for hair loss and no guarantee can be made about its individual effectiveness.

Who’s a good candidate for PRP?

PRP works for hair loss in African American Women

PRP works for hair loss in African American Women. Are you facing Traction Alopecia then contact Dr. Slater today and discover hair loss treatments

PRP targets androgenetic alopecia, the hereditary hair thinning that affects both men and women. Experts believe it may also be effective for women with traction alopecia, hair thinning caused by too tight ponytails, braids, and other styles that pull the hair out. According to researchers, the best candidates are people who have only recently begun to lose hair.  PRP won’t work for anyone who’s completely bald and it won’t completely regrow all lost hair.

Is PRP right for me?

Platelet rich plasma therapy – PRP works for hair loss and may be an option that is suggested by Dr. Slater during your personal consultation. In general it is considered a complimentary procedure to other types of surgical or non-surgical hair restoration procedures.

Ask Dr. Slater if PRP is right for you. He personally answers all questions, and his dedication to each individual’s unique case is a hallmark of his practice.

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