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PRP Therapy for Hair Loss in Men & Women

 In Female Hair Loss, Hair Restoration, Hair Transplant Options, Lasercap, Men's Hair Loss, Multiple Hair Loss Solutions, NeoGraft, Neograft hair restoration, NeoGraft PRP Combination Treatments, PRP and Hair Loss

PRP Therapy is Offered at Buckhead Hair Restoration to aid in regrowing hair

At Buckhead Hair Restoration, we have been performing PRP therapy as a proactive therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. PRP is an exciting non-surgical therapeutic option for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss.

 prp therapy for Female Hair LossRecent scientific research and technology provides the medical community with new understandings of wound and tissue healing. As a result of these scientific studies, we recognize PRP is an all-natural autologous medical procedure performed in physicians offices for scalp, skin, and hair stimulation.

While studies are slowing being published in the medical literature on the success of PRP, the hair restoration community remains cautious about making claims for hair restoration using exclusively PRP.  NeoGraft and LaserCap are two viable additions to PRP for hair restoration.

Science of PRP Therapy?

PRP contains special cells called Platelets, that can theoretically cause growth of the hair follicles by stimulating the stem cells and other cells of the hair follicle. These special platelet cells promote healing, accelerates the rate and degree of tissue healing and regeneration, responds to injury, and formation of new cellular growth. The primary purpose of using PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase.


Individual results vary with each patient. No guarantees of success can be made but PRP preliminary studies indicate patients can respond to PRP therapy. In some of Buckhead Hair Restoration procedures we apply PRP to the scalp for those patients before or during surgery to insure NeoGraft survivability.

PRP is a potential emerging non-surgical based therapy for natural hair follicle stimulation for thinning hair. Larger clinical studies are pending but the current medical literature contains numerous optimistic results. Although a few controlled studies exist, anecdotal and case reports are the primary sources reflecting success with PRP therapy.

Are You a Candidate For PRP?

If you are in good health then you are a good candidate.  Seek counsol form Dr. Monte Slater to determine if you are a good candidate for PRP. Click or call 770-876-4664 today!

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