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 In FUE Technology, Hair Restoration, Men's Hair Loss, Multiple Hair Loss Solutions, NeoGraft, News

hair transplant

Is it true that following hair transplant, the transplanted hairs are resistant to DHT?


DHT is dihydrotestosterone. This and genetics are generally the causes of onset of male pattern baldness. Hair follicles that are not affected by DHT in many males are those in the back and sides of the scalp. If these are the hair follicles used for a hair transplant, they will behave the same regardless of where they are transplanted to. So the short answer is: yes, they are not prone to the effects of DHT and baldness.

With that in mind, experience and skill is truly necessary to predict which hair follicles are best for the hair transplant procedure. One must take into account the age of the patient, the extend of his or her baldness, and family history. With that in mind, skill and experience are necessary to assure a natural appearance.

If a patient has a very successful hair transplant, he or she may continue losing existing hair in the present area of baldness. I always suggest that a patient use minoxidil 5% foam twice a day and try Propecia as well. The patient should review the various risks of Propecia on the Internet.

The most common technique for a hair transplant in my office is the NeoGraft FUE technique. This has been enormously successful in most cases. The recovery time is minimal and there is no linear scar at the donor site and the back of the scalp, nor any lengthy recovery.

Buckhead Hair Restoration is committed to providing information, solutions and excellent patient care to all seeking answers concerning hair loss.

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About Dr. Monte Slater

Dr. Monte Slater, MD, is a double board-certified Physician specializing in Anti-Aging, Hair Restoration and Regenerative Medicine. He is a member of the American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ASHRS). He has been practicing in Warner Robins, Georgia for the last 15 years. In 2014 Buckhead Hair Restoration opened the doors in Atlanta, along with Slater Aesthetic of Anti-Aging & Life Extension.

NeoGraft Hair Restoration had been offered in his Warner Robins Office for two years prior and it was important to Dr. Slater to be able to offer this minimally invasive Hair Transplant Procedure in Atlanta.


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