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 In Bio-Identical Replacement, Female Hair Loss, FUE Technology, Hair Restoration, NeoGraft, Neograft hair restoration, Women's Hair Loss
Women's Hair Loss

Women’s hair loss affects 40% of Americans who have hair loss. NeoGraft is the hair loss solution.

Women’s Hair Loss Solutions: Don’t let hair loss become a life long struggle!

Women’s Hair Loss is devastating. The issue with physicians today, is that they don’t see women’s hair loss as a debilitating issue. As women we know the dramatic effects on our self-esteem, self worth and emotional health. Women make up 40% of people who suffer from hair loss in America. Buckhead Hair Restoration is taking strides against Women’s Hair Loss. Dr. Monte Slater knows that women’s hair loss is a big deal, and urges you to come to his office.

Top 10 Reasons Why Women’s Hair Loss Occurs

  1. Female pattern baldness
  2. Hormonal changes: (e.g., menopause, birth control, and thyroid conditions)
  3. Childbirth
  4. Surgery
  5. Chemotherapy (we cannot treat individuals who are currently undergoing chemo).
  6. Stress
  7. Illness
  8. Anemia
  9. Weight loss
  10. Medications


Why NeoGraft for Women’s Hair Loss?

NeoGraft® provides several benefits for patients. It substantially diminishes procedure time, allowing for more grafts to be harvested within a shorter time period. Because NeoGraft® allows us to perform the extractions faster and the device holds the follicular units in a chamber to prevent them from drying out, the grafts remain fresh and vital at the time of implantation, increasing the probability of each individual graft taking hold and thriving.  Many patients resume normal daily activities after only a few days.

What Is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is an FDA-cleared system used for minimally invasive hair transplantation. It uses an automated variation of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique to harvest hair follicles and implant them in balding areas.

What Is the FUE Technique? What Are Its Benefits?

As opposed to Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG), which involves cutting an entire strip of skin from the donor site, FUE allows for harvesting follicles in groups of one to four. This means there’s no incision or stitches at the area of the body where the follicles are coming from, known as the donor site. No incision means, there is no linear scar. FUE transplants are proven to heal faster and allow for the option of wearing very short hair without the worry of revealing an obvious scar.

How Long Do the Results of NeoGraft Last?

Transplanted hair should last a lifetime, but there are other treatments that can help stop the loss of non-transplanted hair. NeoGraft Photo Dynamic Therapy has been proven to be great for maintenance, and options like Rogaine and Propecia could also be added (ask your doctor first). Unfortunately, while management is often effective, it’s not always perfect. Additional procedures might be needed in non-transplanted areas.


Choose Buckhead Hair Restoration for Women’s hair loss solutions in the Atlanta area!

At Buckhead Hair Restoration our goal is to make you look beautiful and feel beautiful. Women should not suffer when it comes to hair loss. Schedule your initial consultation today and we will get you on the road to having a beautiful full head of hair once again!

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