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 In Women's Hair Loss

Dr. Monte Slater is all to familiar with female health issues and as a double board certified OBGYN with 28 years of experience, he is the go to guy for female hair loss in Atlanta and Warner Robins.

Many women who suffer from hair loss find it difficult to cope with their condition, especially if they are used to having thick and healthy hair. As females approach older ages, they may find that their hair is sparse and they might need to consider hairstyles that will cover bald spots and receding hair lines.

Hair loss in men is more accepted than hair loss in women, but what most people don’t know is that hair loss in women is also very common. Women are usually very proud of their hair and it matters a great deal to them. There are many major reasons for hair loss. The good news is that you can sometimes control your condition and you can receive PRP Scalp Treatments, the NeoLTS Light Therapy and the Laser Cap for Home Use to help stimulate hair growth.
It is important to see a professional, such as Dr. Monte Slater, to determine why you are experiencing hair loss. You should get medical advice and guidance, then develop and implement a solid Hair Loss Management plan to restore the hair and promote healthy hair regrowth. Some of the most common reasons for hair loss in women are:

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is hair thinning and progressive loss that starts at the temples and can spread to other areas of the head. With this condition, you can slowly go bald. This genetic condition can be passed down through several generations.
Solutions to slow down and cease the thinning include BHRT, NeoGraft Hair Restoration ( It is permanent and causes no scar), NeoLTS Light Therapy, Hair Loss Medication, PRP Scalp Treatment and Laser Cap for Home Use. Dr. Slater and Team can help you develop a personalized Hair Restoration Management plan that will give you great results.

HAIR Products & Overstyling

Your scalp is filled with sebum. There are about 10,000 on your scalp alone. Sebum produce oils or lipids. These oils or lipid are important to maintaining a healthy head of hair. Using cheap, harsh, or excessive hair products can clog the sebum and make the follicles ill. An unhealthy hair follicle can cause hair to snap close to the scalp, hair follicles to become irritated and red, hair follicles to become infected or bleed, and progressive hair loss.
Brushing, blow-drying, curling, straightening, and crimping your hair can damage it drastically. The damage will cause hair breakage and consequently may result in thin and broken unhealthy hair.
Use natural products, be kind to your scalp, and never ever over use a product or a styling tool.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is an unusual condition that occurs after extreme weight loss, pregnancy, major or minor surgery, or constant stress. If you have Telogen Effluvium you will lose large amounts of hair after shampooing your hair, conditioning your hair, brushing your hair, or styling your hair.
Telogen Effluvium can also be attributed to some prescribed medications, such as antidepressants or beta-blockers. The first step to solving this problem is discovering the reason for this problem. No set cure can be prescribed or recommended until the source of the problem is discovered. Once the source is revealed, then you, with the help of a professional he or she can begin your hair loss restoration program.


Many women suffer from thyroid conditions. Keeping a balanced thyroid can help prevent a number of issues with your body and with your hair. This can often be harder than it sounds. Hypothyroidism occurs when the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. You could lose weight, gain weight, be constantly tired, become anemic, suffer from depression, and lose hair when you have an improperly working thyroid.
There are thyroid-balancing medications that Dr. Monte Slater can prescribe you to eliminate this problem. As you are working on your thyroid, you can use the Laser Cap to promote hair growth in the areas where hair is missing. Talk to us today if you suspect your hair loss is due to a thyroid imbalance. Together we can implement a plan that will control your hair loss from a thyroid hormone imbalance.

Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency’s are a common issue among women in the U.S.. 12% of women ages 12-49 suffer from a lack of Iron. Iron is very important to a woman’s body, and without it several health conditions may occur including hair loss.
Iron deficiency symptoms include sluggishness, pale skin, headaches, and hair loss just to name a few. In addition to taking an iron supplement, eating food rich in iron, and taking vitamin C (a handy aid for absorbing iron), you could use the Laser Cap for home use, receive PRP Therapy and take Hair Loss Medication to regulate your hair loss and hair thinning. Talk to us for more information on Iron deficiencies and BHRT (Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy).

Scalp Ailments

Many skin and scalp diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, or fungal infections like ringworm can result in hair loss or thinning. If your skin and/or scalp is unhealthy it makes it impossible for hair follicles to work properly. The origin of some of these conditions may be very difficult to determine.
A scalp that is irritated, red, bleeding, swollen, or itchy needs to be looked at by a physician immediately. Find the source of your problem and then discuss the possible means of recovery with a medical Doctor. Hair loss is not fun and often short term.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Did you know that well over five million women in the United States suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome? With this condition, the ovaries produce an abundance of male hormones. Unfortunately, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can lead to hair loss and infertility.
Oddly enough, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may cause hair to thin on the scalp, but it may be overly excessive on other parts of the body such as on the arms or legs. So hair removal as well as stimulation for hair growth on the head should be a part of the treatment plan for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

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